Huwebes, Setyembre 29, 2011

Edge of Seventeen.

People often perceive me as snobbish. That's probably because I'm quite reserved with people that I don't know well. The thing is, I can be very loud and carefree when I'm with my friends or people I'm comfortable with. In fact, I'm sort of a happy-go-lucky person. I guess I just don't open up easily to others. :P

I loooove to read. I can't even count how many books I have read. My love for books started when I first started reading the Harry Potter series back in 2005. I usually read fiction books, series, and young adult books. I think the first adult book I read was Pride and Prejudice (which is now one of my favorites). Back in high school, I used to spend ALL my savings on books. I could probably stay all day at Powerbooks or NBS. I always check to check out new releases. Since I started college though, I just download ebooks and put them in my Kindle since it is much more convenient (and cheaper!) to do.

Last book that I read

Currently reading this :)

I have a love/hate relationship with food. I eat a lot. Really. Whenever I'm feeling down, sad or stressed out, I eat. On the other hand, I desperately want to lose weight since I'll be 18 on January and I've heard that it is much harder to lose weight once you reach that age, which is why I'm in a kind of a dilemma right now. Haha. :(

Häagen-Dazs' Banana Split

Mango Bravo from Conti's

 Blueberry Cheesecake (the ultimate comfort food!)

I have the best friends in the world. They also know me better than anyone else. We've had our fair share of misunderstandings in the past, but I think at this point, we are mature enough for petty quarrels. :>

March '09

December 2010
L-R: Jessa, Jasmin, Noreli, Mhedel, Vivian, Nikki, Shara, Kristina, Mae Anne, Vera

These girls comprise my high school barkada. We call our group "Shawteez" which I think came from the song Shawty by T-pain. Haha. We've known each other for 5 or 6 years already. I think it's a wonder that we've become so close as we have very different personalities, but we never had a fight that lasted, even when we were younger. Because we go to different colleges and universities, we don't see each other as often as we would like but whenever we have time, we make it a point to meet up and catch up. 

L-R: Lala, Roma, Nikki, Vetina. Not pictured: Irra :(

This is my beloved WG, my college barkada from UPLB. They are some of the most fun people I know. There really is never a dull moment with them. I miss them. :(

I'm also a huge music lover. I listen to almost all music genres. Well, maybe except screamo and metal. :D Some of my favorites are Amy Winehouse, Robin Thicke, A Rocket to the Moon, Up Dharma Down, Sara Bareilles, Jack's Mannequin, Ellie Goulding, The Script, Maroon 5, John Mayer and Ingrid Michaelson.

Aaaaaand I guess this is where I should end my not-so-interesting blog post. :P

Martes, Setyembre 20, 2011

"Googling" myself.

For my englone class, we were asked to search for our names online. I must admit that I was very curious to what might show up but I was also dreading this because I was afraid that there there will be embarrassing posts about me. :-P These are the results that came up:

These were the results in the first page when I typed my whole name. Some of the results that came up were not really about me and these were the relevant ones. They only showed my blog account, Facebook account, a Facebook group that I belong to, and UPCAT results from 2009. 

I decided to search for my name again and this time I used my nickname. What showed up were... Formspring account and a very embarrassing video which I shot with my friends more than two years ago. Needless to say, I was mortified to see that the video is still on YouTube. The video was uploaded on YouTube by my friend so I was not even aware that it is still up. I guess the only positive thing about this is that I was not on the actual video.

I think this has taught me to be more selective in the things that I post online. Sometimes, we tend to be careless with what we share online. People can forget that what they post online can be seen not just by their friends but even by the whole world. With this experience, I have learned to limit the stuff that I post. In the near future, I would want to project a good image to people around me. Should people decide to search for me online, I would not be worried that they will find disconcerting stuff about me. I have also read stories where some people were fired from their jobs because of what they have posted online. 

Oversharing definitely has its consequences.