Martes, Setyembre 20, 2011

"Googling" myself.

For my englone class, we were asked to search for our names online. I must admit that I was very curious to what might show up but I was also dreading this because I was afraid that there there will be embarrassing posts about me. :-P These are the results that came up:

These were the results in the first page when I typed my whole name. Some of the results that came up were not really about me and these were the relevant ones. They only showed my blog account, Facebook account, a Facebook group that I belong to, and UPCAT results from 2009. 

I decided to search for my name again and this time I used my nickname. What showed up were... Formspring account and a very embarrassing video which I shot with my friends more than two years ago. Needless to say, I was mortified to see that the video is still on YouTube. The video was uploaded on YouTube by my friend so I was not even aware that it is still up. I guess the only positive thing about this is that I was not on the actual video.

I think this has taught me to be more selective in the things that I post online. Sometimes, we tend to be careless with what we share online. People can forget that what they post online can be seen not just by their friends but even by the whole world. With this experience, I have learned to limit the stuff that I post. In the near future, I would want to project a good image to people around me. Should people decide to search for me online, I would not be worried that they will find disconcerting stuff about me. I have also read stories where some people were fired from their jobs because of what they have posted online. 

Oversharing definitely has its consequences.

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