Sabado, Oktubre 15, 2011

A typical morning in Luisiana

The cold wind hums softly as I am walking to a bench through the vast park. The smell of freshly-cut grass fills my nose. As I sit on the bench, I can see the children playing in the swings and seesaws and laughing as if the problems of the world do not touch them. From my place, I can also see the townspeople hurrying out of their houses to go to work or to their schools, while some take all the time in doing their chores. The baker from a bakeshop nearby brings out fresh and delicious bread to her loyal customers. 

The sounds of a promising busy day fill the air. Jeepney drivers call out for passengers, while some tricycles blast out music from their installed speakers. Some women are huddled close to each other as they walk going to church. In the other part of the park, which is now near the plaza, teenage boys are getting competitive as their basketball game goes intense. The loud voices of vendors roaming the town can also be heard.

The simplicity of the lives of the people of Luisiana will always fascinate me. Far from the noise and pollution of the city, one can always have the most relaxing time in this town.

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